Az. Agr. Biologica Bolla Lorenzo - Vini Biologici Diano d'Alba Langhe Piemonte
Produzione vini biologici
Organic Wines
Vino Biologico Langhe
is our lifestyle
Cantina Diano d'Alba Langhe
In the heart of the Langhe
Diano d'Alba
Prodotti artigianali bio Langhe Piemonte
from rural tradition
Nocciola Tonda Gentile Trilobata Piemonte
Hazelnuts production
Tonda Gentile Trilobata IGP
Dolcetto Diano D'Alba Senza Solfiti
Dolcetto di Diano d'Alba
with no added sulphites

Let's do organic, let's do it better

The decision to switch to organic in 2000, was first and foremost a personal lifestyle choice, not only dictated by the love for our land and our work that is intrinsic to this land, but also for the protection of our well-being Well-being, that is "feel well", "being well," ensuring the right to work and live well in a healthy area that produces good fruit.
Consequently it is a choice that is reflected on the consumer, to whom we are able to offer "good" products, cultivated with love and the utmost respect for the environment.
We believe in what we are doing and we are trying to contribute to a broader change, where environmental sustainability and enhancement without exploitation of the earth will become more commonplace.

Of course the difficulties are not negligible and being a small, family-run farm, work sometimes becomes complicated and multiplies, but the efforts are rewarded by the pleasure it gives, during the grape harvest, the ability to bite into a "rapa", i.e. a bunch of grapes, without the fear of ingesting pesticides or other chemicals: the fact that grapes were included among the most contaminated foods in Italy in 2016, make this almost a luxury.

Our claim is not to make perfect wine, but to make good wine , healthy wine ,that does not only satisfy the palate, but also the body and the mind.

Organic farming

Organic farming, as opposed to conventional farming, does not use substances that result from chemical synthesis (such as pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilisers and pesticides) that deplete and pollute the land, and does not make use of GMOs.
Thus we only use natural substances, found in nature, and we try to develop a model of agriculture that avoids excessive exploitation of natural resources, is sustainable over time and safeguards the biodiversity of our land. Our attention is focused not only on the cultivation cycle but also on packaging and production materials and processes. Over the years we have tried to perfect the production techniques that respect and safeguard the environment and the consumer

  • We do not use animal products
  • We use fining agents of plant origin
  • We use only the absolutely necessary sulphite content
  • We use lightweight bottles to decrease shipping costs
  • We use labels made of recycled paper
  • We use Nomacorc Select Bio corks
For organic certification we rely on Valoritalia that performs annual checks taking soil, grape, leaf and wine samples.



First, the choice of organic allows you to avoid chemical poisons often present in a massive way in food coming from conventional and / or industrial agriculture and, accordingly, proves to be the most direct way of taking care of our health.

For example, allergies and food intolerance are growing and the amount of potentially allergenic food additives is much lower in organic products than in conventional ones. Those working closely with products such as herbicides, fungicides and the like run a greatly increased risk of getting Parkinson's, not surprisingly in France Parkinson's disease has been recognised as an occupational disease for farmers.


Organic foods also taste better, indeed, perhaps we should say they have a truer flavour, to which our taste buds saturated with synthetic flavours are often no longer accustomed.

Thus they let us draw closer to ancient, authentic flavours: we want to be able to bite into apples that truly taste of apple, and not the (unequivocal) idea of apple flavour that is sold to us.


Organic farming does not allow GMOs and makes it possible to maintain the environmental and cultural biodiversity, preserving the land without polluting the soil and water; it means securing and rebuilding the balance of ecosystems over time and enhancing local culture and traditions.

The choice of the organic empowers us, we move from being passive consumers to consumers who have a made a definite decision. It is a small but important daily act to protect the environment and a sustainable lifestyle for us and for future generations.